Apsara stone carvings

Apsara stone carvings

One of my favorite things at the temples around Siem Reap were the wall carvings. At Angkor Wat, for example, there were the female dancers, apsara, all around the temple. Each with unique hairstyle, pose, and clothes. Here are some of my favorites.

These two have quite a load on their heads!

One of the rare ones smiling with teeth. Our guide said (perhaps his interpretation, but I like it), that women of the time shouldn't have smiled with their teeth showing otherwise she would not be a gentle lady. But the sculptors carved these on the outside of the wall where the king wouldn't be passing by.

I like the hairdo of the apsara in the middle. The ends of her hair just stick straight up in the middle.

An apsara that's not wearing a skirt, only underwear. She has a really modern shoulder-length haircut.

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Splayed teeth stone carvings

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