Top 5 Come-on lines

The shopkeepers and street sellers in Turkey are like in many other countries, enthusiastically trying to get your attention and your business.  What sets the Turkish ones apart, though, are really creative "come-on" lines.  Whereas in China, you might just hear, "Hello, hello" and "carpet, carpet," Turkish people have such good English they can really come up with some interesting lines.

Here are the top 5 that I've heard, from catchy to creepy:
1. "Hello, how may I help you part with your money today?"
2. "Hello, how are you?  You look like a generous man!"
3. "I am here!"
4. "I have a terrace upstairs"...[you walk away]..."Why don't you believe me?"
5. "I remember you, do you remember me?"
What's showing in art: Istanbul...interrupted

What's showing in art: Istanbul...interrupted

McDecor: Istanbul edition

McDecor: Istanbul edition