Air New Zealand, the airline of love

Air New Zealand, the airline of love

I've already flown Air New Zealand 3 times in the last couple of weeks, and have 3 more flights to go. I quite like the airline: easy online booking, great recognition of Star Alliance Gold status, pleasant staff, nice food, fares that include credit card fees and check-in baggage (something that other airline in this region charge extra for), and excellent on-demand video. For me, the Air New Zealand brand stands for refreshing, everyday luxury, and efficient.

The Air NZ marketing department might think otherwise though. I'm not sure what they might say Air NZ stands for. In March, they flew their second annual "Pink Flight" from Los Angeles to Auckland and then on to Sydney for Gay Mardi Gras (here's the website from last year's flight). Currently, they have a commercial airing which features staff members wearing paint-on uniforms.

And coming up on October 13, the airline will fly their first "Matchmaking Flight" for singles! I guess I can put in my plug now for New Zealanders, since everyone has been really friendly and polite, and quite good looking. Despite the prevalence of gourmet burgers, I've oddly not met a single kiwi who's not height-weight proportionate. Check out their social networking site where you can also book a ticket on this special flight. Interestingly, they already have 365 members who've joined, which I think is pretty impressive for a corporate-sponsored social networking site.

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