Tate Modern and Herzog de Meuron Do It Again

Tate Modern and Herzog de Meuron Do It Again


Tate Modern just might be my most favorite modern and contemporary art building.  I feel most at home at MoMA, but as far as spaces go, the Turbine Hall always takes my breath away every time.

I was delighted to see the new extension of Tate Modern, called the Tanks. Tate Modern used to be a power station, and the Turbine Hall was where, well, the turbines were.  The Tanks are where the oil used to be stored.

These spaces are meant for complex installation work and performance pieces.  Because they have no windows, and are underground, I got the odd feeling of intimacy when I was walking about.  But you can see in the photo below with the people in it for scale - these are huge spaces.

Here's a view of a William Kentridge video installation.  Truly stunning to see in this space.

What's Showing in London: White Cube

What's Showing in London: White Cube

Marmite Explosion!

Marmite Explosion!