Dancing Paella: Valencia transit card art

Dancing Paella: Valencia transit card art

When I first arrived at Valencia airport, I got a single ride metro ticket to the center of town.  I was really taken by the cute and surprising artwork on the ticket.

Today I went to buy a multiple-journey ticket.  The plastic card itself cost €2, not counting any value on top.  I was initially disappointed by the artwork, since I'm not a fan of googly-eyed things, but then on closer inspection I realized that they were the ingredients of paella dancing in a conga line in front of a paella pan!  I think I can see the yellow saffron rice kernels, tomato, chicken, flat green bean, and white gigante bean.  Not sure what the black one is leading the line...maybe something burnt?

These characters also appeared in the station.  Here in front of the escalator, the rice is sin prisa, leisurely standing on the right, while the chicken is con prisa, in a hurry on the left.

Strike! (Kind of)

Strike! (Kind of)

Cradle of Horchata

Cradle of Horchata