Sevilla Eats: Casa Moreno

Sevilla Eats: Casa Moreno

Also on my list of places to eat was Casa Moreno. I walked round and round the block searching for this one!

I had been expecting a bar or restaurant like all the others, but Casa Moreno is actually an "ultramarinos," or grocery store.

You walk around the deli counter and head to the back...

... where you'll find a bar amidst all of the canned goods!

It's rather inefficient how they manage orders. You order with the servers behind the bar. Then they yell at the guy in the front part of the store (with the deli counter) what your order is. The deli guy then assembles your order and passes it across the row of customers and over the bar to the server...

...who toasts your order in the tiny toaster on the tiny counter on the other side of the bar! It's their only cooking implement!

My first montadito (little sandwich) was with spicy pepper and cabrales blue cheese. It was good, but got a bit soggy at the end. Usually I would not order anything with blue cheese, but apparently this is one of their star tapas.

Then I had a turkey and duck mousse montadito.

Overall, this was one of the most memorable places I ate! Not so much for the food itself, than for the experience of eating at the crowded bar at the back of the grocery store with lots of locals!


Casa Moreno

Calle Gamazo, 7

41001 Sevilla

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