Córdoba Before It Wakes Up

Córdoba Before It Wakes Up

I decided rather spur of the moment to go to Córdoba and Granada last weekend.  A rather grueling trip, involving two overnight buses - leaving Friday after work and getting back to Spanish class and work on Monday morning, with a two and a half hour bus ride between the cities.

I took the bus from Valencia to Córdoba Friday night, arriving Saturday morning at around 5:20 in the morning.  After a 20 minute walk, I arrived at the walls of the historic district, pictured above.

Córdoba early in the morning was magical.  There were a few rain clouds that passed through, leaving the cobblestone streets glistening.

Even the main plazas were deserted.  The feeling of having a city to yourself can be nice sometimes.

I got to see the Roman bridge before the other tourists arrived.

Eventually the sun did rise, and people filled the streets and sights.

I would be leaving in the evening, but having these few hours of Córdoba to myself really made me feel as if I had a full experience.

Córdoba Eats: Taberna Salinas

Córdoba Eats: Taberna Salinas

Wall Art: Juicy!

Wall Art: Juicy!