Labelling empanadas

Labelling empanadas

I've had a chance to try empanadas a few times so far, and the last couple of times, I noticed that some places have a system for labelling their empanadas by flavor. I guess that makes it easier for the chefs and the waitstaff, not to mention customers, to tell which ones are which.

At Cumen-Cumen in Palermo, they label them with letters at the end of the empanada. (I had Carne Suave (ground beef) and Verdura con Salsa Blanco (vegetables in white sauce); they were not my favorite - a bit too wet inside)

At Cumana in Recoleta, the menu has a decoder page for their system of small holes in the crimping.

Here I had the Lobo Picante (spicy beef tenderloin); you might be able to see the little hole on the top. At Cumana, I also had a chance to try the Casuela (casserole) Locro. Apparently, this is a very traditional Argentinian dish. Its main ingredient is squash, but also has a lot of beans, and some beef and pork (I think). It tastes a lot like cassoulet.

Here's the brick oven, with wooden plates ready to go.

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