Kruger Safari Wildlife: birds

Kruger Safari Wildlife: birds

There were so many different kinds of birds in Kruger, too, and our rangers Steve and Phil were so quick to spot them and identify them for us.

My favorite was the pearl spotted owl, the smallest owl in southern Africa. It was really tiny - this picture is zoomed like 40x. At night it makes a really cool call. The sound ascends like a teapot in steps, then descends. It also has fake eyes in the back of its head, but I'm pretty sure that this one's looking at the camera since I think the fake eyes are big black circles.

Here's a European roller. I just looked it up on wikipedia; apparently its range is really large, extending from Europe to the Middle East and into Xinjiang, China, and winters in Africa.

This was really special: the African snake eagle. We actually saw it struggling in the air with a snake in its talons (the snake is that the curly thing at the bottom!).

Kruger Safari Wildlife: other cool animals

Kruger Safari Wildlife: other cool animals

Kruger Safari Wildlife: four-legged mammals

Kruger Safari Wildlife: four-legged mammals