Dutch Oven

Dutch Oven

Not surprisingly, Dutch people don't refer to Dutch Ovens as Dutch Ovens. They're just pots. Well, stoofpot is the sort of braised dish you can make in these pots, but I don't think they necessarily refer to the pots themselves.

Anyway, I really wanted a Dutch Oven for my new toaster oven (post about that here), and I decided to get it in the US. Bringing a Dutch Oven to the Netherlands isn't exactly bringing coal to Newcastle. That's because Lodge (I have one of their skillets) makes a perfect one. The lid has no handle on top, meaning that it can be used as a skillet, but importantly for me, it means that the whole unit fits inside of my toaster. And it has 5 quarts of capacity even! (Here's a link to their site if you want to find out more.)

That means I can comfortably make full-sized loaves of bread using the no-knead method. I've had a lot of success with Cook's Illustrated recipe which is basically the same as the Jim Leahy / Mark Bittman recipe you can find online, just with 7 ounces of water, 3 ounces of beer, and 1 tbsp of vinegar for the liquid. The beer and vinegar are there for flavor only, not to aid in the chemical reaction. I've only used Duvel so far as beer, since that's what I had in the kitchen.

An homage to the artist Marcel Broodthaers, with my Lodge Logic 2-in-1 and my bread.

Braun Food Processor

Braun Food Processor

Sign Language: SOS box

Sign Language: SOS box