Spring Has Come to Eindhoven

Spring Has Come to Eindhoven

Spring has come to Eindhoven! This means that we actually have a few days each week when it's not snowing or raining. And last week we had a few days when the temperature reached 20 degrees C (high 60s Fahrenheit).

Spring has also brought the total surprise of flowers planted in the grassy medians along the larger streets. I had no idea! I have always loved the big grassy medians - they really make the big streets seem calm and peaceful. And now I find out that they're planted with spring flowers. I was a bit late with the camera to catch the purple crocuses. But the daffodils are coming out in full force.

You can see the last remnants of the crocuses alongside these daffodils.

One side you have the yellow daffodils with orange "horn" (is that the right word?), and on the other side you have all-yellow daffodils.

You can really see that the plantings are not random - they're quite planned. Here are some tiny daffodils.

Utrecth Day Trip: Rietveld-Schroder House

Utrecth Day Trip: Rietveld-Schroder House

Tiniest Celery

Tiniest Celery