Quarantine Diary Day 16: First Day Looking Out at the Sky

Quarantine Diary Day 16: First Day Looking Out at the Sky

I woke up this morning, excited to look at the view outside. A clear expanse of sky, with no building in front of me. Wow!

The first breakfast was off to a good start. I’d say this is much better than the Homeinn, and better than the Jianguo.

Hardboiled egg seems to be a standard feature across all hotels.

Then there was a piece of pumpkin 南瓜.

Two cute little scallion steamed rolls.

Two cute little custard-filled buns.

Pickled cucumber.

And congee with red beans.

We had a PCR test today, but mercifully they didn’t come around at 6am like at the Homeinn. They waited until after breakfast, around 8:30 to come by.

Lunch came in the same type of container as I had had at the Jianguo Hotel, except the Jianguo would put the rice in the (smaller?) central compartment.

Here they put a few plain boiled prawns inside.

The chicken, mushroom, and peas was decently tasty, but there wasn’t a lot of meat on the chicken bones. And then I spotted a hair, but did that come from me? I didn’t touch the rest after I saw that.

The 芥蓝 Chinese broccoli was a bit too soft (oh no!), but thankfully it wasn’t swimming in any sauce.

I most liked the yellow bean sprouts and tofu! The sprouts were actually crunchy! And there was tofu!

I also took some time to admire the view in the afternoon.

Dinner was better than breakfast.

The piece of fish was pretty good. It was like a de-headed and de-tailed section of a whole fish, and was flavored with black beans and scallions. Quite savory.

I really liked the garlic shoots and pressed tofu. The garlic shoots had a great, firm texture, and I love all kinds of tofu.

The 芥菜 mustard greens were suitably slightly bitter, and cooked just right.

The beef in this dish wasn’t over-tenderized as at the Homeinn, and the peppers and onions were nice and crunchy!

It really appreciated how fresh the meal tasted.

The night view from the room was also to be appreciated. It really makes me consider to move to a higher building with a view!

Quarantine Diary Day 17: Special Delivery - Fresh Fruit!

Quarantine Diary Day 17: Special Delivery - Fresh Fruit!

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