Sevilla Eats: Casa Moreno


On my list of places to eat was Casa Moreno. I walked round and round the block searching for this one! I had been expecting a bar or restaurant like all the others, but Casa Moreno is actually an "ultramarinos," or grocery store...

Sevilla Eats: Bodega Santa Cruz


After a couple hours of touring in the morning, I headed over to this tapas bar, Bodega Santa Cruz, aka Las Columnas. Here I had my first typical Sevilla tapa, a serranito...

Sevilla Eats: Café Bar Taquilla


One of the spots on my map of Sevilla highlights was Cafe Bar Taquilla, I supposed named after the ticket office ("taquilla") across the street for the Real Maestranza bullfighting ring...

Sevilla Impressions


My first trip after moving to Spain was to Andalucia - to Granada and Córdoba which I both loved. Then I went a couple times to Basque Country, a couple times to Barcelona, and several times to Madrid. But somehow I'd not yet been to Sevilla, the capital of Andalucia...