Lobster Pasta! Lobster Tacos!

Lobster Pasta! Lobster Tacos!

So, from the California spiny lobsters we got from Haworth Fish, we already had awesome lobster rolls in New England style hot dog buns the second day with leftover meat.

Then on the third day (Oct 12), we had lobster pasta, with the lobster bodies. I cooked the Chinese high-calcium noodles, and then heated up the lobster bodies in the same pot so the juices combined.

Here’s with some of the leg meat picked out. There were also scallions, and if I remember correctly, some salt and sesame oil.


And here’s everything mixed together with that rich orange tomalley. This was so creamy and had that marine flavor from being the leg meat (and in my theory, the salt water could easily penetrate the thinner leg shells and narrower meat). This was luxury dining, for real!

Finally, on the fourth day (Oct 13), we had lobster tacos. With salad, roasted sweet potatoes, and the usual fixings of guacamole and pico de gallo (tomato, onion, jalapeño, cilantro), more cilantro, and lime. And our lovely fresh wheat tortillas.

For the lobster tacos, I took the more tasteless boiled lobster tail and the drier but smoky broiled lobster tail meat, and mixed in a healthy amount of the Bitchin’ chipotle sauce from Costco. I figured the smoky chipotle flavor could go well with the smoky broiled meat, while the strong flavor from the sauce could enhance the taste of the meat, and the wetness of the sauce could help counter any dryness.


These were also really delicious!

So, we got four meals out of our $80 purchase of four California spiny lobsters. That works out to be $10 per meal per person. A great bargain in my eyes, since this really felt truly luxurious dining!

Almond-Crusted Fish Sandwiches

Almond-Crusted Fish Sandwiches

Lobster Rolls made with California Spiny Lobster

Lobster Rolls made with California Spiny Lobster