First Impressions: Cape Town

First Impressions: Cape Town

Cape Town is definitely one of the prettiest towns I've ever visited. Probably because about 50% of my time here has been spent in a 2 block radius around my guesthouse in the impossibly cute little neighbhorhood called De Waterkant. But seriously, this town has a "US West Coast" vibe to it - even the newer condos around the V&A Waterfront look a lot like newer condos in San Diego or Seattle.

It's in Cape Town that I'm finally "realizing" that I'm really going around the world. Looking down at the city and water from Table Mountain, and seeing where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet, I feel like I'm at the tip of the world!

And I've gotten a chance to reflect on the places I've been, and the places I'll be going. So far, I've loved Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo, and would jump to go back to Latin America to explore some more. Kruger definitely exceeded my expectations. The rest of the places I'll be going to have a lot to live up to!

The highest form of flattery, South Africa style

The highest form of flattery, South Africa style

Kruger Safari Wildlife: other cool animals

Kruger Safari Wildlife: other cool animals